NOTE FOR MEMBERS: The FBC Board of Trustees are proposing some wording changes for further clarity to our Bylaws. Over the next two weeks, please review these proposed changes that will be attached to the FBC Newsletter and also made available at the back of the Auditorium. We plan to take an in-person paper ballot vote so that our members may approve these changes during our Congregational Business Meeting. Any questions may be submitted prior to the meeting either in-person or via email to any Board of Trustees member.
FreeBC will be celebrating God’s goodness and HIs faithfulness for a whole year worshipping together as a church family. We’ll start at 9am with a Business Meeting in lieu of Sunday School, worship together, and then partake of a meal following. If you last name begins with A-M, please bring a drink. If it starts with N-Z, please bring a dessert.