Ladies of Freedom Bible Church are cordially invited to a special event in honor of our good friend and fellow servant, Linda Jenks.
This fall, Linda will be moving to Savannah, GA to live near her son. We will miss her in our community, at our church and in our circle of acquaintance. We want to wish her well in her new life, so we are pleased to present an opportunity for her friends to celebrate with Linda.
A “Farewell Party” will be held on Saturday, August 19th at 11:30 a.m. at Ms. B’s Tea Room in Clayton. The address is 4883 Iowa Street. Lunch will be on your own and the regular menu will be available for your choice. Your hostesses are Carol Montgomery and Connie Sieferman.
Linda has respectfully requested that there be no gifts. The gift of your presence will be a blessing in itself! We hope that you can join us for this special event. If you would like to come, please respond to Connie.